Monday 8 October 2007

We're still here!

OK, it's been another long while between posts.

I have an excuse: I've been cleaning the toilets.


You see, here in Europe the people are very, very environmentally aware. It's quite nice, really. People consider impact to the environment when making their daily decisions, and manufacturers and retailers have followed the market with environmentally friendly products.

At this point, you're asking one of two questions:

1) What does this have to do with toilet cleaning?


2) Wow, I know Emil and it is AMAZING that he went this long without talking about toilets on his blog.

OK, technically number 2 isn't a question, but it did give me the chance to say "number 2". Get it? I kill me.

Anyhow, everything here is environmentally friendly. People buy tiny gas efficient cars. (The Mini Cooper is consider a large car. Seriously.) They recycle a lot. Etcetera.

Unfortunately, environmental friendliness also exhibits itself in some less savory ways.

1) Tip to the crowd I share the bus with on the way to work: your "musk" is not attracting the ladies.

2) The dryer has half the capacity of the washer. Which saves energy, I guess, but also means you have to line dry half your clothes. Line dry... in England, the world's mildew capital.

3) The legal limit on the flush volume of toilets is apparently one microliter or one hectare or three bushels and a peck or whatever it is in metric. Not a lot.

Thus we get to frequent toilet cleaning, and I will leave you with that!


Señora Stowe said...

emil you are hilarious, it has been a true joy getting to know you better via your blog, than i was able to have opportunity in person...Did you ever get your guitar returned???

Señora Stowe said...

i guess the 'head's' are about like those on a sail boat? so, now you have sailing skills as well...and sorry about the grammar on my last comment.

I want to see photos of quentin's school :) and i want some audio of mallory talking!! it makes me teary eyed...she wasn't talking much at all when y'all first left...they'll be grown by the time you get back. (you are coming back, right?)