Monday 2 July 2007

Getting sick, windmill, teeth, and artwork

It finally happened. We got sick. Emil was terribly sick over the weekend with a cold virus/asthma. Mallory woke up Monday morning with a fever. We went to a nearby doctor and had a great experience. My Richmond doctor could learn a thing or two from this practice! She has pharyngitis. Emil's going later. So we're hunkered down in our apt. on a sunny afternoon. Oh well, at least Wimbledon's on for now...

The kids and I visited a windmill recently- Green's Mill- in nearby Sneaton. Great kid activity area- all science based learning for toddlers and young children. Ghetto-like playground next door. Of course my kids noticed it and wanted to play. Threatened rain the whole time. I get nervous when it's cloudy- we were stuck in a torrential downpour recently and Quentin and I got soaked. It was miserabile. Mallory's stroller has a plastic rain cover, so she was dry as a bone. We were cold, too; it was low 50s. It's also hard to tell what the weather is going to do, so I get anxious and don't like hanging out far from our apt. or the bus stop. Didn't stay long at windmill. Got soaked on way home, too.

My little guy is growing up!! Quentin lost is first tooth yesterday. He said there was something hard in his chicken. As I looked at him saying this, I noticed a space and some blood. Luckily, he hadn't swallowed the tooth!

Here's a shot of Quentin's artwork from last few weeks. This doesn't count his block-building and toilet-paper roll creations that don't stand the test of time. What a great way to spend the time!

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