Tuesday 24 July 2007

Who doesn't know HTML? That's right! Us!

Click on the horrendously large link below to visit our snapfish photo album for lots of picturey goodness.

Eventually (no, not really) I will learn how to replace the horrendously large link with some much shorter and more descriptive text. Eventually.

Phillips-in-Notts Album

Edit: Our vast network of techno-spies comes to the rescue (thanks fritty)!

1 comment:

fritty said...

It should just be!:

Elaine's album

but um of course that doesn't show you what I typed so um:

[a href="http://www1.snapfish.co.uk/share/p=668241185311045392/l=270563779/g=101643640/cobrandOid=1007/otsc=SYE/otsi=SALB"]Elaine's album[/a]

replacing [ with < and ] with >